Sunday, March 09, 2008

Attention erotica writers!

My partner in all things, M. Christian, has an opportunity for those of you who write. This is his announcement:

Here's a special invitation to unpublished – or just beginning – erotica writers looking for a bit of free exposure.

Frequently Felt is my playful little blog -- "A lobcock of erotic trivialities, oddities, and miscellanea transcribed with jaundiced talent for naught but a boxing Jesuit indulgence by a disreputable posse mobilitatis" – where I've been posting this, that, and everything betwixt and between having to do with sex and erotica. What I'd like to do is open Frequently Felt to very short stories, on a first-come-first-posted basis. Here are the specifics:

* Stories or literary pieces no longer than 500 words.
* No underage characters, excessive violence, incest, homophobia, or bestiality
* Please include some form of contact information at the end (email, Web site,
etc.) to be published with your piece
* I reserve the right to refuse to publish anything – it's my blog, after all

Submit your work to mchristianzobop at I do my best to post things every other day or so but things sometimes happen to disrupt that schedule...

I'm also interested in interviews, reviews, editorial pieces, artwork, blog posts and other fun things. If you want to help out with that, just write me and we'll chat about it.

(The illustration is by Daryl Walker.)

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